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Cancer Institute (WIA) believes that Clinical Excellence and Delivery of High Quality of Care are fundamental criteria of a successful destination of choice for Cancer treatment in the country.

Cancer Institute (WIA) believes that Clinical Excellence and Delivery of High Quality of Care are fundamental criteria of a successful destination of choice for Cancer treatment in the country.
Implementation of clinical practice guidelines based on the best available scientific evidence guidelines, together with measuring quality monitors and indicators are ongoing processes at Cancer Institute to ensure clinical excellence and delivery of high quality of care.
This has been the outcome of the Big “C” redefined.

The Expansive Scope of Services in the Cancer Arena, Expertise of the Physicians, Advanced Technology, Dedication to Quality in Patient Care, Infection Control Programs, Staff Training & Education and the patients outcome have clearly made Cancer Institute (WIA) a provider of High Quality Healthcare and Healthcare Facility in the field of cancer.
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Quality Management at Cancer Institute (WIA)
meets the requirements of NABH Quality Standards, which provides guidelines to healthcare administrators and also facilitates the overall hospital functions to remain exceptional and patient-friendly.
It is the policy to provide quality clinical care and also on the excellence of our systems to provide a clean and comfortable atmosphere to all our patients with predictable outcome for all the services provided by us.
With the intention of improving our systems and the Quality process and to achieve excellence comparable to nationally accepted standards we have implemented the NABH standards.
Cancer Institute (WIA) is NABH accredited
since July 2019, has achieved the coveted accreditation status and will continue to strive further to maintain the same and reach further heights in excellence.
However, the Quality Department at the Cancer Institute (WIA) has to control all the related activities prudently, by applying the appropriate hospital quality measures, with special attention to the key areas of organizational activities such as the process improvement, cost effective, productivity & performance improvement, and throughput time.
The Quality Department focuses on the Quality Policy of the institution which is also based on the institution’s Mission & Vision statements.
The department focuses broadly on the six core principles for quality assurance in the institution. They are as follows:

The Quality Team at Cancer Institute (WIA)
supports the healthcare team as they continually strive to improve their processes of healthcare delivery.
Essentially, the quality team monitors and evaluates trends within the hospital and focuses on improving our patient experiences at the hospital which leads to increase in overall patient satisfaction.
Quality Policy
Cancer Institute is committed to provide a health care quality that matches the WHO definition, viz. safe, effective, efficient, equitable, timely and patient centered that which satisfies the standards set forth by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and healthcare providers (5th edition, April 2020).
- Cancer Institute, is committed to provide health care service to the poorest of the public.
- The Institution aspires to be a Centre of Excellence in Oncology providing quality treatment and service with state of the art facilities, teamwork of reputed health care specialists and dedicated staff.
- There is a structured quality improvement and continuous monitoring programme at Cancer Institute which is developed, implemented and maintained by a multi-disciplinary committee consisting of around 40 staff who are members of core team, chapter champions, quality implementers, QC officers, coordinators etc. It is comprehensive and covers all the major elements related to quality assurance.
- Use of innovations to develop the quality improvement process efficiency and effectiveness is being promoted – continuous efforts to innovate is being made, one such is the needle & sharp disposal in house containers are available in wards for safe disposal.
- This programme is communicated and coordinated amongst all the staff of the organization through appropriate training mechanism like induction, in service etc & the programme is reviewed at pre-defined intervals to find opportunities for improvement.
- The quality improvement programme is a continuous process & is well supported by the management and updated once in a year.
- Audits are conducted at regular intervals as a means of continuous monitoring. There is an established process in the organization to monitor and improve quality of nursing care.
The Quality Department under the direction of the management have developed the culture of quality and safety for patients and the employees at the institute. We at the Quality department, point with pride to various initiatives that put a premium on patient and worker safety and optimize the effectiveness of treatment.
- Development and implementation of policies, procedures, and protocols
- Ethical medical and nursing practices
- Practice of evidence-based medicine
- Practice of safe medication practices
- Identification, reporting, and prevention of errors
- Monitoring Key Performance Indicators
- Monitoring of Quality Objectives and Service Standards
- Surgical case review
- Medical record review
- Radiotherapy case review
- Timely Internal Audits
- Committee Meetings
- Conduct Clinical audits, Nursing Audits and Prescription Audits
- Medication Management (includes medication errors)
- Monitoring antibiotic use
- Diagnostic Services Quality Assurance
- Respect and protection of Patient Rights
- Monitoring Patient Experience
- Monitoring Patient Reported Outcome
- Encourage patients and family participation in the treatment process and safety
- Continuous on job training on quality and safety drills
- Professional staff credentialing
- Safety management activities
The Quality team also ensures quality and safety in healthcare which is a must to improve patient experience and satisfaction. Cancer Institute (WIA), as a whole possesses a sincere commitment towards quality and quality systems.
Quick Contacts
Please feel free to contact our friendly staff with any medical enquiry.
- Emergency Line: (044) 2220 9150
- No:38, Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, Chennai - 20
- Registration Time - 7AM to 11AM