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- Blood bank
Blood , an important adjunct for cancer treatment is available as needed with all the components separated.

Blood Component therapy, using the blood cell separator, in the supportive treatment of high dose Chemotherapy, was introduced in to India for first time in 1978. Blood gamma irradiator was installed in 2003. Chemiluminescence testing for transfusion transmissible infections for HIV, HBV and HCV was introduced in 2016. Walk-in cold storage rooms for blood components were installed in 2019. Automation for Immuno-haematology testing was introduced in 2019. Chute system for transport of blood samples and blood components was installed in 2019. A vehicle for blood donation drives was inaugurated in 2019.
To enhance the wellbeing of patients and save lives by providing safest possible blood, by providing appropriate therapeutic Apheresis services, and by promoting research and education programs in transfusion medicine. We aim to make blood donation 100 percent voluntary without any replacement donors. We strive to encourage appropriate clinical use of blood and blood components. We ensure stable supply of safe blood and related products wherever they are needed.
Dedicated to quality, integrity, service, and excellence in everything we do
List of services provided:
- Donor Counselling and Motivation.
- Donor screening, recruitment and retention.
- Blood collection from voluntary/ replacement donors under aseptic conditions.
- Preparation of blood components, processing, storage at right temperatures, compatibility testing and distribution of blood components.
Testing of donated blood -Screening for infectious disease (HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV-Ag-Ab, Syphilis and Malaria), determining the Blood Group and Type, testing for unexpected bodies.
- Provision for quarantine of blood components in a designated location, pending repetition of those tests that initially give questionable serological results.
- Labelling of the blood components according to regulatory requirements.
- Rational use of blood and blood components.
- Irradiation of blood components with appropriate labelling.
- Issue of the blood components to the intended patient for transfusion.
- Patient Blood grouping & Rh typing, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV-Ag-Ab screening, Coombs test and antibody titration
- Blood components not suitable for therapeutic purpose are discarded as per BMW guidelines.
- Consumables and reagents used during the collection, processing and compatibility testing of blood components are discarded as per BMW guidelines.
- To perform therapeutic phlebotomy in the indicated patient
- Apheresis procedures – Single Donor Platelets, Granulocyte collection, Peripheral Blood stem cell collection (donors &patients), Therapeutic Plasma pheresis, Therapeutic Leucoreduction, Donor Lymphocyte collection, Therapeutic Platelet Reduction and Therapeutic plasma exchange.
- Autologous blood collection in indicated patients
Emergency Cases
Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.
Opening Hours
Registration Time
Visiting Hours
Statistics: 2021
Donor Statistics:
Total whole blood donation | 6305 | |
Total Camps | 14 | |
Total Camp donation | 881 | |
Total Blood Bank donation | 5424 | |
Total Single donor platelet donation | 608 | |
Total Granulocyte concentrate donation | 108 | |
Total Blood Grouping & Rh Typing | 7012 | |
TTI testing | Number Positive | Percentage |
HBsAg | 42 | 0.67 |
HIV | 2 | 0.03 |
HCV | 9 | 0.14 |
SYPHILIS | 17 | 0.27 |
MALARIA | 0 | 0 |
Patient Statistics:
Blood Grouping & Rh typing | 9321 | ||
Viral markers | Number tested | Number positive | Percentage |
HBsAg | 8552 | 199 | 2.3 |
HIV | 8537 | 73 | 0.8 |
HCV | 8537 | 32 | 0.4 |
Component Statistics:
Total Transfusion |
13305 |
Total Cross matching |
7423 |
Packed Red Cells (PRC) |
5933 |
Random Donor Platelet( RDP) |
5444 |
Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) |
1221 |
Single Donor Platelet (SDP) |
599 |
Granulocyte Concentrate (GC) |
108 |
Total Plasma issued to Reliance Life Science |
4575 |
Therapeutic Procedures:
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange | 12 | |
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection | Autologous | 50 |
Allogenic | 20 | |
Donor Lymphocyte Collection | By Apheresis | 1 |
By Blood Collection | 4 | |
Therapeutic Phlebotomy | 2 |

Academic/Education activities:
2. Providing training for the blood bank medical officers and technicians in Apheresis procedures.
List of Faculty:
II. Publication as first author:
* A study of serum ferritin levels among voluntary blood donors November 2017International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 5(12):5322
* Citations:
a. Hematological, biochemical and antioxidant indices variations in regular blood donors among Mediterranean regions November 2019Transfusion and Apheresis Science 58(6):102659
b. The importance of plasma ferritin values in blood donors for the evaluation of body iron store in a five-month period Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 18, Number 1, February 2021
c. Assessment of serum iron stores in regular plateletpheresis donors October 2021Transfusion and Apheresis Science
II. Publications- First Author-
a. Successful Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in postoperative myasthenic crisis in elderly woman, Vol 6 Issue 2 Feb 2020, Indian journal of case reports.
b. Intermittent flow centrifugation technique used for large volume leukapheresis in a low-body weight pediatric patient, 2018, volume 7, issue 2, page 83-85.
c. Incidence proportion of Hepatitis C Virus infection in Leukamia patients at a Tertiary Cancer Centre ,volume 4,Issue 2,March -2019,page 140-149 International Journal of Medical science and Innovative Research.
d. Emergency leukapheresis in Chronic Myeloid Leukamia presenting with priapism,Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,2017,7,2,1701-170
I. Urologic management of priapism secondary to chronic Myeloid Leukemic has cited Emergency leukapheresis in Chronic Myeloid Leukamia patient presenting with priapism published in Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & health sciences, Vol 7, Issue 2, Apr – Jun, 2017, 1701-4
II. Priapism in patient with chronic myeloid Leukamia (CML) : A Systematic Review Aca Bio med 2021; Vol 92, N.3:e2021193

List of other staff members
Sl. No. | Name of the staff | Designation | Educational Qualification |
1. | Mrs. T.Chandra Kumari | Technician | Vocational nurse training Technician |
2. | Mrs.R. Inbaroja | Technician | Vocational nurse training Technician |
3. | Mrs. A.Suseela | Technician | C.M.L.T. |
4. | Mrs. T.Rajambiga | Technician | D.M.L.T |
5. | Mrs.G.Gomathi | Data Entry Operator | B.Sc, Dip.in PGDCA |
6. | Mrs. R.Sangeetha | Technician | D.M.L.T |
7. | Mr.A.Bhaskar | Technician | D.M.L.T |
8. | Mrs.D.Vidya | Technician | D.M.L.T |
9. | Ms.M.Anusuya | Technician | D.M.L.T |
10. | Ms. S. Jeevitha | Technician | D.M.L.T |
11. | Mr.K.Vijay | Social Worker | M.S.W |
12. | Ms.P. Evangelin | Staff nurse | Diploma in Nursing |
List of Publications
- Dr Y Swapna- Successful Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in postoperative myasthenic crisis in elderly woman, Vol 6 Issue 2 Feb 2020, Indian journal of case reports.

Scientific meetings conducted:
a. A CME programme on Need for NAT clinician prospective was conducted on 11 th October 2019.
b. Online Immuno-Haematology Workshop conducted by Ortho Clinical Diagnostics and Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM) held on 5.11.20 to 06.11.20.
c. A guest lecture on Importance of NAT testing was conducted on 23rd September 2021.
Quick Contacts
Please feel free to contact our friendly staff with any medical enquiry.
- Emergency Line: (044) 2220 9150
- No:38, Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, Chennai - 20
- Registration Time - 7AM to 11AM