EBCR vision is to blossom into a Comprehensive Centre for Cancer Epidemiology with an inherent paperless cancer registry. The mission is to provide valuable assistance to hospital administration, patient care, public health and research.


EBCR comprises several sections encompassing (i) patient services – OPD counters, medical record with lifetime follow up, documentation and digitization, (ii) Hospital Cancer Registry (HCR) – established in 1954 handling routine hospital statistics for the administration, high-resolution data capture for research studies, (iii) Population-Based Cancer Registry (PBCR) – for statewide surveillance statistics on incidence pattern and trends, (iv) Biostatistics – handling all data analytics for faculty/students and (v) Epidemiology – randomization for clinical trials, design and conduct of descriptive/analytical epidemiological studies including molecular and (vi) training/teaching programs in all of the above for personnel at local, national and international levels.

EBCR vision is to blossom into a Comprehensive Centre for Cancer Epidemiology with an inherent paperless cancer registry. The mission is to provide valuable assistance to hospital administration, patient care, public health and research.


Documentation on OP/IP patients: This comprises systematic registration of new and old patients, detailed documentation of social aspects of inpatients and entry of clinical notes of patients into the hospital management system MedMantra.

Medical record section: This comprises safe custody of case-records of patients indexed for treatment in an orderly manner for easy retrieval. The lifetime follow-up of treated cancer patients is the best yard-stick for measuring patterns of care and cancer outcomes on a long-term. This is practiced at the Cancer Institute (W.I.A) and is unique to all the premier cancer institutions in India. Telephone/postal inquiry of patients are carried out at regular intervals to document their health/vital status. Five-year follow up was complete in >90% of treated patients and outcome studies on any cancer are feasible as a routine.

Digitization of medical records: With the advancement of technology, digitalization serves as an alternative to store all documentation and retrieve them as and when required. Customized software is used to scan medical records and are linked to MedMantra for easy access from anywhere. About 1,50,000 patient case-records have been scanned and is continuing.

Hospital statistics: On an average 550 patients are seen in OPD daily. Every year about 5,000 new patients are indexed for treatment. About 1,65,000 patients have received cancer directed treatment at the institute during 1954-2021.






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Opening Hours

Monday – Friday :  8.00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday : 9.00 am – 8.00 pm
Sunday : 10.00 am – 9.00 pm

Registration Time

Monday – Sunday : 7.00 am – 11.00 am

Visiting Hours

Monday – Sunday : 4.00 PM – 6.00 PM

Ongoing studies

  • HCR – partly funded by National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) since 1984 – Principal Investigator: Dr. R.Swaminathan.

The Cancer Institute (WIA) introduced the concept of systematic registration of new cancers in Tamil Nadu state. A hospital cancer registry (HCR) was in vogue from day 1 of the inception of the institute in 1954 and is continuing. This was the earliest of its kind in India and catered to all new cancer cases registered at the institute irrespective of the place they resided. The social investigators abstract data on all new cancer patients from case-record/MedMantra into a structured form for analytics.

  • High-resolution data studies on cancer outcomes

ICMR project on Patterns of Care and Survival (POCS) Studies of (a) Cancers of the Cervix, Breast and Head/Neck” and (b) Cancers in Childhood, lymphoid and hematopoietic malignancies, other gynaecological malignancies and CI project on Developing an electronic database on 22 cancers treated 1985 onwards.- Principal Investigator: Dr.R.Swaminathan; Other study group members: Dr.R.Rama and Ms.M.S.Kalyani

The HCR mechanism has led to focus the attention on the cohort of treated patients for in-depth study based on the systematic clinical documentation to serve as a power house for high resolution data collection. Data on 97,722 patients treated between 1985 and 2020 have been computerized and available for research studies on cancer outcomes like overall and disease free survival and risk of second cancers.

  • Population-based cancer registry studies

The Madras Metropolitan Tumor Registry (MMTR) at the Cancer Institute (WIA) is the first demographic cancer registry in Tamil Nadu state registering all newly diagnosed cancer cases arising from the population whose usual place of stay was within the metropolitan limits of Chennai city (5 million population) irrespective of the hospitals they had gone to for diagnosis or treatment since 1981. Case-finding is done by mixed methods both active and passive. Cancer surveillance statistics in Chennai city from year 1982 has been periodically made available in ICMR and IARC scientific publications. The estimated new cancer burden in Chennai city is 7,914 in year 2021.
The addition of the Dindugul Ambilikai Cancer Registry (DACR) as an outreach programme in year 2003 addressed twin objectives: paucity of data from rural area and providing a framework for evaluating a cervix cancer field intervention trial in Dindigul district. Cancer surveillance statistics in Dindigul district from year 2003 has been periodically made available in IARC scientific publications. The estimated new cancer burden in Dindigul district in 2021 was 2,383.
TNCRP is a major extension to our surveillance programs catering to 80 million population, the largest in the world and covering entire state with an area of >50,000 sq. miles. The mandate for TNCRP is to elicit the realistic burden of new cancer cases occurring among the resident population, to provide a framework for evaluating different intervention programs and promoting analytical epidemiological investigations on cancer. The estimated new cancers in 2021 were 81,814. An online reporting system for TNCRP is on the anvil.
Ten districts have been chosen for this population-based cancer survival study with the total new cancer cases registered in 2016 in bracket: Ariyalur (512), Coimbatore (3,099), Dindigul (1,354), Erode (1,972), Kanchipuam (4,188), Kanyakumari (1,878), Krishnagiri (902), Madurai(2,499), Perambalur(452) and Viluppuram(2,088). Linkage of the readily available death data from vital statistics division has been completed. The vital status (alive/dead) data on the rest of the patients as on December 31, 2021 has been planned in three stages. Stage 1 comprises repeated scrutiny of case-records in source hospitals for additional data on patient identity for follow up by telephone inquiries. The study is ongoing.
This molecular epidemiological study was funded to the tune of 1.8 crores for five years during 2019-2024. There are two components: (i) A longitudinal study on the dynamics of oral HPV infection in healthy individuals in Viluppuram district – A total of 3,088 samples have been collected after enumerating the eligible subjects through a household survey. The prevalence of HPV DNA positivity was 7.8%. At 6-12 months follow up of eligible subjects, the persistence was 13% and incidence was 7.6% (ii) Survival outcome of oral cancer patients by HPV status – clinical samples were collected from 157 patients along with data abstraction. HPV DNA positivity ranged between 48-75% by two different methods. These patients are being followed up after treatment to evaluate their outcome. Molecular analyses of the samples in the research lab along with subject recruitment in the field work are continuing.

Training programs

EBCR offers internship and observer training programmes in epidemiology, biostatistics and cancer registration for health/registry professionals, graduate/PG students. The schedule is flexible depending on the needs of the trainee. For more details write to  registry@cancerinstitutewia.org

Observer training on basic statistical/epidemiological principles and methods was imparted as part of continuing department program to 9 post graduate and 4 graduate students of statistics/Data science/Technology from Chennai as per their internship/academic plan.


  1. Swaminathan R, Shanta V on behalf of the Study Group. Cancer incidence and mortality (Year 2017), incidence trend (2012-17) and estimates (2018-21) for Tamil Nadu state. Tamil Nadu Cancer Registry Project (TNCRP), Cancer Institute (W.I.A), Chennai, 2021. 

2. Sathishkumar K, N V, Badwe RA, Deo SVS, Manoharan N, Malik R, Panse NS, Ramesh C, Shrivastava A, Swaminathan R, et al.. Trends in breast and cervical cancer in India under National Cancer Registry Programme: An Age-Period-Cohort analysis.Cancer Epidemiol. 2021 Oct;74:101982. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2021.101982. Epub 2021 Jul 16.PMID: 34280846

3. Rajkumar T, Amritha S, Sridevi V, Gopal G, Sabitha K, Shirley S, Swaminathan R. Identification and validation of plasma biomarkers for diagnosis of breast cancer in South Asian women. Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 7;12(1):100. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04176-w. PMID: 34997107

4. Dhanushkodi M, Sridevi V, Shanta V, Rama R, Swaminathan R, Selvaluxmy G, Ganesan TS. Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC): Real-World Outcome of Patients From Cancer Institute, Chennai. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021 May;7:767-781. doi: 10.1200/GO.21.00001. PMID: 34043414

5. Veeraiah S, Sudhakar R, Tripathy JP, Sankar D, Usharani A, Ramakrishnan S, Selvam J, Nagarajan G, Prabhakar DS, Swaminathan R. Tobacco use and quitting behaviour during COVID-19 lockdown.Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2021 Mar 1;25(3):247-249. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.20.0728.PMID: 33688818

6. Barani S, Jahan N, Karuppiah M, Chaudhuri S, Raju M, Ponnaiah M, Rajaraman S, Vaidhyalingam V, et al. Epidemiology of hospital-based COVID- 19 cluster in a tertiary care cancer hospital, Chennai, India 2020. Clin Epidemiol Glob Health. 2021 Oct-Dec;12:100889. doi: 10.1016/j.cegh.2021.100889. Epub 2021 Nov 4. PMID: 34754984

7. Nagarajan A, Nureja BY, Ravichandar R, Ranganathan R. Definitive chemoradiation in locally advanced inoperable esophageal cancer patients – Retrospective analysis of different chemotherapy regimens in a tertiary cancer J Clin Transl Res. 2021 Oct 30;7(6):733-738. eCollection 2021 Dec 28. PMID: 34901519

8. Swaminathan R, Shanta V on behalf of the Study Group. Cancer incidence and mortality (Year 2016), incidence trend (2012-16) and estimates (2017-20) for Tamil Nadu state. Tamil Nadu Cancer Registry Project (TNCRP), Cancer Institute (W.I.A), Chennai, 2020.

9. Radhakrishnan V, Pai V, Rajaraman S, et. al. Olanzipine metoclopramide for the treatment of breakthrough chemotherapy-induced vomiting in children: An open-label randomized phase 3 trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2020; 67(9):e28532 Epub 2020 PMID: 32568452

10. Miranda-Filho A, Bray F, Charvat H, Rajaraman S, Soerjomataran I. The world cancer patient population (WCPP): An updated standard for interventional comparisons of population-based survival. Cancer Epidemiol 2020; 69: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canep.2020.101802 E-pub ahead of print PMID: 32942139

11. Gupta S, Aitken J, Bartels U, …, Swaminathan R, et al. Development of paediatric non-stage prognosticator guidelines for population-based cancer registries and updates to the 2014 Toronto Paediatric Cancer Stage Guidelines. Lancet Oncol 2020; 21: e444-51.

12. Veeraiah S, Elangovan V, Tripathy JP, …, Rajaraman S, … et al. Quit attempts among tobacco users identified in the Tamil Nadu Tobacco Survey of 2015/2016: a 3-year follow up mixed methods study. BMJ Open 2020; Sep 3 10(9): e034607 PMID: 32883722

13. Nagare RP, Sneha S, Sidhanth C, Roopa S, Murhekar K, Shirley S, Swaminathan R, Sridevi V, Ganesan TS Expression of cancer stem cell markers CD24, EPHA1 and CD9 and their correlation with clinical outcome in epithelial ovarian tumours. Cancer Biomark. 2020;28(3):397-408. doi: 10.3233/CBM-201463 PMID: 32224528

14. Swaminathan R. Cancer survival in countries in transition with a focus on selected Asian countries. In: Vaccarella S, Lortet-Tieulent J, Saracci R, Conway DI, Straif K, Wild CP, Eds Reducing social inequalities in cancer: Evidence and priorities for research. IARC Scientific Publications No. 168, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 2019, pp 109-118. Focus 3. PMID: 33534490 http://publications.iarc.fr/580

Our Faculty

Dr. P. Sampath, Assistant Professor is the lead person handling state surveillance activities through the Tamil Nadu Cancer Registry Project and data collection from multiple sources to generating cancer incidence statistics. He has over 10 publications in national/international journals.

Dr. R. Rama, Associate Professor, is the fulcrum of HBCR and pattern of care studies at the institute. She is an invited faculty in national and international workshops on cancer registration and biostatistics. She has over 25 scientific publications

Staff List - 2022

Dr. Swaminathan R
M.Sc. Ph.D (Statistics)

Asso. Dir., Prof. & Head

Dr. Rama.R.
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Asso. Prof & Sr. Bio-Stat.
S. No. Name Educational Qualification Designation
OPD Counters
1. Mr. Bhuvanendra Babu R B B.Sc., M.A., MBA PRO & Section In-Charge
2. Mr. Govarthanan S B.Com., M.A. Senior OP Assistant
3. Ms. Shanthakumari A B.Sc. Medical Record Technician
4. Mr. Balasubramaniam S M.B.A. Senior Assistant
5. Ms. Anusuya V B.A. OP Assistant
6. Ms. Deepa C B.A. OP Assistant
7. Mr. Muralidharan P B.A. OP Assistant
8. Ms. Padmavathy V B.A OP Assistant
9. Ms. Ranisree S S M. Corp. Sec. OP Assistant
10. Mr. Sathish B BBA OP Assistant
11. Ms. Sreekala Ajith B.A. OP Assistant
12. Mr. Suresh S G B.Sc OP Assistant
13. Ms. Ushanandini V B.Com OP Assistant
14. Ms. Manimozhi M B.Com OP Assistant
15. Ms. Divya P B.Com OP Assistant
16. Ms. Jayapriya B.Sc.,(MATHS) OP Assistant
17. Mr. Sambandam S HSLC Assistant
18. Ms. Kiruthika B.Sc Assistant
19. Ms. Isabellarani S MBA Assistant
20. Ms. Kushpurani M BCA Social Investigator
21. Ms. Anu R M.Sc Social Investigator
22. Mr. Rajesh E M.Sc (Computer Science) Data Entry Operator
23. Ms. Barathi K B.Sc (Maths) Data Entry Operator
24. Ms. Dharani  S B.Sc.(Chemistry) Data Entry Operator
25. Mr. Gopinath P B. Sc Data Entry Operator
26. Ms. Revathy S BCA Data Entry Operator
27. Mr. Senthilkumar V M.Com Data Entry Operator
28. Mr. Gopinath  B DCIM Ward Secretary
29. Ms. Priyadharshini P BCA Data Entry Operator
30. Ms, Priya E B.Sc., Data Entry Operator
31. Ms. Kavitha M B.Sc., (Computer Science) Data Entry Operator
32. Ms. Sangeetha S B.Sc., Data Entry Operator
33. Ms. Rachel Gnanamani S BA Tamil Data Entry Operator
34. Mr. Murugavel N B.B.A Data Entry Operator
35. Ms. Sudha J B.Sc.(Computer Science) Data Entry Operator
36. Mr. Jameen T B.Com.,(G) Data Entry Operator
39. Ms. Nadhiya H B.Com.,(G) Assistant
Records Section
40. Mr. Praveen Khannah BE Medical Record Officer
41. Ms. Maheswari V B.B.A Assistant
42. Ms. Mohana G B.A Assistant
43. Mr. Rajagopal R HSLC Assistant
44. Mr. Ravi R HSLC Assistant
45. Ms. Shobana V.R. HSLC Assistant
46. Mr. Venkatesh R B.Com Assistant
47. Ms. Dharanya G B.Sc Assistant
48. Ms. Kaviya  V B.Sc Biotechnology Assistant
49. Mr. Parthipan E M.A., B.Ed., Assistant
50. Mr. Ravi E M.A., M.Ed., Social Investigator
Typing Section – Annexe
51. Mr. Chidambarakrishnan S M.C.A Computer Operator
52. Ms. Dhanalakshmi P M.Com Steno Typist
53. Mr. Rajasekar N M.Com., DBM, MBA Steno Typist
54. Ms. Alima Bee.M. HSLC Data Entry Operator
55. Ms. Sivagowri B.Sc.,(Physics) Steno Typist
56. Ms. Sethumeenakshi K HSLC Data Entry Operator
57. Mr. Thilak P.K HSLC Data Entry Operator
58. Mr. Rajasekaran P.S M.Sc Data Entry Operator
59. Ms. Amsavalli E M.Sc Data Entry Operator
60. Mr. Gowthaman A B.A Data Entry Operator
Clinical Secretariat
61. Ms. Kalyani M.S. M.B.A Data Manager (HBCR Proj.)
62. Mr. Sivakumar P M.Sc. Social Investigator
63. Ms. Bhuvaneshwari S B. Sc. Social Investigator
64. Ms. Sahaya Delma C B.A. Dip.SW Social Investigator
65. Ms. Devi N M.Sc., M.Ed. Social Investigator
66. Ms. Divya S BE Social Investigator
67. Ms. Malar U BA Sociology Social Investigator
68. Ms. Ragasumithra S B.Com Social Investigator
69. Ms. Deepa E B.Sc. Data Entry Operator
70. Ms  Bagyalakshmi P B. Com Data Entry Operator
71. Ms. Mageshwari A B.Sc.,(Psychology) Data Entry Operator
72. Ms. Bhuvana T K B.Com (CA) Data Entry Operator
73. Ms. Thahirunnisa M.Com Assistant
Scanning Section
74. Ms. Thilagavathi.B. B.A. Data Entry Operator
75. Ms. Santhi S B.Com. Assistant
In-patient section – Annexe
76. Ms. Prema N B.Com Data Entry Operator
77. Ms. Bakkiyalakshmi K B.Sc Ward Secretary
78. Ms. Vanitha T B.A(Eng.lit) Ward Secretary
79. Ms. Neelambal M B.Com. Ward Secretary
80. Ms. Sophiya M B.A Ward Secretary
81. Ms. Sathya R BA(Tamil Lit) OP Assistant
82. Ms. Usha D B.Sc Psychology OP Assistant
83. Ms. Sona T B.Com OP Assistant
84. Ms. Barkavi G B.Com Ward Secretary
Tumour Registry – MI
85. Ms. Jeyalakshmi R B. Sc. Section In-Charge
86. Ms. Narmatha  P BA Data Entry Operator
87. Ms. Radha M HSLC Data Entry Operator
88. Ms. Gomathi G B.Com Data Entry Operator
Day Care OPD – MI
89. Ms Umamaheswari R D.C.A Ward Secretary
90. Mr. Vigneshwaran L B.Com OP Assistant
91. Ms. Mary Sylvia MBA(HM) Assistant
Records Section – MI
92. Ms.Revathi K B.Sc., B.Ed., B.Lis Assistant
In-patient section – MI
93. Ms. Joyce Kiruba E H.S.LC Ward Secretary
94. Ms. Sridevi M D.ELED Ward Secretary
95. Ms. Jayalakshmi S B.Sc Ward Secretary
96. Ms. Kalaivani R HSLC Ward Secretary
97. Ms. Vidya K B.Com., (C.S) Data Entry Operator
98. Mr. Gandeeban  D M.A. B.Ed,M.Phil Social Investigator
99. Mr. Veeramani K M.A., M.Phil Social Investigator
100. Dr. Sampath P M.Sc., Ph.D Statistical Assistant
101. Mr. Jayachander S HSLC., DCA Sr. Comp. Prog.
102. Mr. Murugaiyan.J. B.Sc.  M.A. Senior Investigator
103. Mr. Sambandam T S B.A. Senior Investigator
104. Mr. Selvakumaran R B.Sc. M.A. B.Ed Senior Investigator
105. Mr. Dharumadurai.V. M.A.,M.Phil Social Investigator
106. Ms. Parimala A B.Sc, MA, PGDMLT,DNHE Social Investigator
107. Mr. Ramesh N M.A. Social Investigator
108. Mr. Sridhar N B.Com. Social Investigator
109. Mr. Murugesh R M.A Social Investigator
110. Ms. Chandrakala.T. B.Com Technical Assistant
111. Ms. Mahalakshmi N MCA Technical Assistant
112. Ms. Anandhi T B.Sc.( I.S.M) Data Entry Operator
113. Ms. Thangarathi S B.Com Data Entry Operator
114.   Ms. Vidhya J                                   M.A.                                       Social Investigator
115. Mr. Jerome Prabhu C B.Com., M.A Social Investigator
116. Mr. Mahendran G B.Com Social Investigator
117. Mr. Ravichandiran.K. M.A., M.Phil Social Investigator
118. Mr. Thiyagarajan K B.Sc Social Investigator
119. Ms. Deepa Ramani B.A., PGDSE Assistant
120. Ms. Swetha R B.Sc Microbiology Social Investigator
121. Mr. Bharathiselvan A M.Sc., B.Ed Social Investigator
122. Mr. Gowri Shankar G MSW Social Investigator
123. Mr. Ranjithkumar N B.Sc Social Investigator
124. Ms. Sakila S B.Sc Social Investigator
125. Mr.  Balamurugan R B.Sc Social Investigator
126. Mr.  Palanikumar P B.Sc Social Investigator
127. Ms. Subajini M.R B.A., B.Ed Social Investigator
128. Mr. Thiruvenkadam T.S B.Sc., B.Ed Social Investigator
129. Mr. Kartick K MSW Data Entry Operator
130. Mr. Sree Ganesh B.Sc., Technical Assistant
131. Dr. Vani N V MDS Early Career Fellow
132. Mr. Irusappan  D B.Sc., Sanitary Inspector Social Worker
133. Mr. Madhanagopal M.Sc., Biotechnology Scientific Assistant
134. Ms. Ezhil D M.Sc., Biotechnology Scientific Assistant
135. Ms.Senthamil Selvi V K P.B. B.Sc., Nursing Staff Nurse
136. Mr. Ajithkumar M.N DNA Health Worker
137. Ms. Vidya Anand B.Sc., IEC Coordinator
138. Ms. Dhilyphaa MBA Assistant
139. Ms. Agila V MCA Data Manager
140. Dr. Punitha S Pharm D Project Manager
141. Ms. Riya Mary M.A.Social work Research Associate

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